
Chokai-San Itinerary

So it's Friday and tomorrow bright and early we leave to go camping. We will be gone for 5 days but you can follow this itinerary while we are away to know what's going on. (We have given a copy to Reiko-san, have no fear Mimi!) Chokai-San is the name of the mountain we are visiting by the way.

Chokai-San Itinerary

This is where we are and where we are going on the big map. We live at point A and we are going to the purple spot.

Closer picture. Chokai-San is the little mountain shape SE of our destination.


7:00 AM Start from Ohira (Yakuba Bus-stop)

7:50 AM Arrival at Sendai Station

To Sendai

8:40 AM Start from Sendai Station

12:15 PM Arrival at Kisakata Station

- Ask and confirm about bus times to Hokodate

- Stay at Campground by Youth Hostel (Kisakata Seinen-no-ie)

- Go to Tourist Information Office and get hiking guides

- Waterfall somewhere

- Find out about kanman-ji (Basho monks like to visit this place, and possibly near town center)


***5:50 AM or 7:45 AM Start from Kisakata Station

-Ask and confirm about bus times on Saturday in Kisakata

-40 min.

Arrival at Hokodate

Climb Chokai-San

-Stay at Hokodate Sanso (鉾立山荘)


Before 4:20 PM Start from Hokodate

Arrival at Kisakata

4:20 Start from Kisakata

8:10 PM / 20:10 Arrival at Sendai Station


- Spend the day enjoying the city

Sendai Station to Ohira-mura bus times:

8:25, 10:30, 13:50, 15:50, 17:50, 19:50

Look for many pictures upon our return!


Dad said...

What an amazing time you are having!! I'm really enjoying reading about your adventures.

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