We hit the hardware store first, looking for camping gear (I have decided that is what I want to do for my birthday next week. Luke has a 5 day weekend off of work.) and possibly cooking stuff(I need to make some cheesecakes for some people since Luke talked up the awesomeness of my cheesecakes!). We did find some camping stuff, not sure of the brand and quality but at least we know they have it. And they did have quite a selection of cooking stuff, baking stuff etc. Our local grocery store has a very small section and an empty peg for the spring form pans. The hardware store had plenty so I got two 4 inch pans (all I have seen is the 4 inch pans in Japan). So with all my cheesecake baking things in hand, and a few tupperware containers to keep them in, and a small hotplate that Luke found, to do tepenyake(like we did with the Mayor) in our living room we headed to the checkout.
Near the checkout we found a bin of Disney children's DVDs, mostly dubbed over in Japanese but we did find Fantasia in its original English, for less that 500 yen. So needless to say we now have several of those (Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella, Pinocchio, The Three Caballeros, Dumbo), to help us learn Japanese and to help our future children become bilingual.
After the hardware store we were getting a little peco peco (hungry, or peckish in Japanese) so Luke took me to an Italian restaurant that he had been to before I arrived. That's right, Italian food in Japan. The outside looked like a castle and you can't see out of any of the windows, they are all stained glass.

Then it was off to the mall to get some clothes and a backpack for me so I can help carry groceries.

We look for a backpack first because Luke's is already full from the trip to the hardware store. I finally found one in this cool shop that had second hand clothes (for first hand prices mind you). Here are a few things we also found in that store:

Then we went downstairs to find some shirts for hopefully reasonable prices. I found some great ones in a discount bin which were marked 498 yen (but ended up being 250 yen at the register!)
Boy love girl, variety is the spice of life, love makes the world go round, spicery
Golden beach, return to paradise
sixty seventh doughnut!

Don't worry Mom, the Japanese don't know what it means either, we are not the only ones!
Then Luke and I decided that to build a wardrobe here we couldn't do it all at once, so everytime we go shopping at the mall we were going to get ourselves one thing to add to our wardrobe that was "Japanese".
Then Luke and I decided that to build a wardrobe here we couldn't do it all at once, so everytime we go shopping at the mall we were going to get ourselves one thing to add to our wardrobe that was "Japanese".

I'm a big fan of "BOY LOVE GIRL" and I LOVE the watch. Kind of like how I love you!
Miss you so much!
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